class ArkosearchConfig { constructor({ storeIndexGuid, indexName, codiceLingua, codiceValuta, searchBoxId, itemsColumns = 5, itemsDistance = '3px', showAddToCartButton = false, addToCartButtonLabel = 'acquista', addToCartLink = '', addToCartOnClick = '', logoHeaderUrl = '', cmsUtilizzato = '', showOutOfStock = true, outOfStockLabel = 'non disponibile', orderOutOfStockAtEnd = false, pageSize = 20, attributiDinamici = '', scoreBoostRules = '', attributiFiltro = '', showCategoryFilter = false, showBrandFilter = false, showPriceRangeFilter = false, showTextHighlight = false, showVoiceSearch = false, openSearchOnFocus = false, isValidPlan = true, isDisplayFullWidth = true }) { this.storeIndexGuid = storeIndexGuid; this.indexName = indexName; this.codiceLingua = codiceLingua; this.codiceValuta = codiceValuta; this.searchBoxId = searchBoxId; this.itemsColumns = itemsColumns; this.itemsDistance = itemsDistance; this.showAddToCartButton = showAddToCartButton; this.addToCartLink = addToCartLink; this.addToCartOnClick = addToCartOnClick; this.addToCartButtonLabel = addToCartButtonLabel; this.logoHeaderUrl = logoHeaderUrl; this.cmsUtilizzato = cmsUtilizzato; this.showOutOfStock = showOutOfStock; this.outOfStockLabel = outOfStockLabel; this.orderOutOfStockAtEnd = orderOutOfStockAtEnd; this.attributiDinamici = attributiDinamici; this.scoreBoostRules = scoreBoostRules; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.attributiFiltro = attributiFiltro; this.showCategoryFilter = showCategoryFilter; this.showBrandFilter = showBrandFilter; this.showPriceRangeFilter = showPriceRangeFilter; this.showTextHighlight = showTextHighlight; this.showVoiceSearch = showVoiceSearch; this.openSearchOnFocus = openSearchOnFocus; this.isValidPlan = isValidPlan; this.isDisplayFullWidth = isDisplayFullWidth; } } const configArkoSearch = new ArkosearchConfig({ storeIndexGuid: 'fd829b42-07b2-433f-8d94-170956e43964', indexName: 'affiliati3ilviziettosexyshopit_it_eur_products', codiceLingua: 'IT', codiceValuta: 'EUR', searchBoxId: 's', showAddToCartButton: true, addToCartButtonLabel: 'Aggiungi', addToCartLink: '', addToCartOnClick: '', logoHeaderUrl: '', cmsUtilizzato: 'prestashop', showOutOfStock: true, outOfStockLabel: 'terminato', orderOutOfStockAtEnd: false, pageSize: 20, attributiDinamici: '[]', scoreBoostRules: '[]', attributiFiltro: {}, showCategoryFilter: false, showBrandFilter: true, showPriceRangeFilter: true, showTextHighlight: false, showVoiceSearch: false, openSearchOnFocus: false, isValidPlan: true, isDisplayFullWidth: true }); const urlArkoSearchTemplateHtml = ''; const urlArkoSearchCss = ''; const urlSmartyPilotFunctions = ''; const urlSmartyPilotColorCss = ''; const urlArkoSearchStatAction = ''; const urlArkoSearchStatSearch = ''; const urlArkoSearchSearch = ''; const urlArkoSearchGetFilters = ''; const urlArkoSearchSuggestions = ''; const urlArkoSearchBanner = ''; const internalSearchBoxId = "txtArkoSearch"; const divArkoSearchContainer = document.createElement('div'); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Create and insert the container div before body close = 'arkosearch-container'; document.body.appendChild(divArkoSearchContainer); if (configArkoSearch && configArkoSearch.isValidPlan) { // Load Smartypilot main HTML template fetch(urlArkoSearchTemplateHtml) .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => { // Load SmartyPilot Js functions var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = urlSmartyPilotFunctions; script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.onload = function() { // Call injectWidgetHTML only after the script is loaded injectWidgetHTML(html); // Esegui altre funzioni che richiedono lo script smartypilot-functions.js initializeSearchFromURL(); // Esegui la funzione di inizializzazione se necessario // Inizializza gli eventi per l'ordinamento setOrdinamentoEventListner(); // Inizializza il voice Search smartypilot_InitializeVoiceSeaerch(); }; document.head.appendChild(script); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error loading widget HTML:', error)); // Carica i fonts loadFont(); // Load CSS Smartypilot and custom styles loadCSS(urlArkoSearchCss); loadCSS(urlSmartyPilotColorCss + "?storeIndexGuid=" + configArkoSearch.storeIndexGuid); // Crea un elemento style var style = document.createElement('style'); // Aggiungi gli stili in linea all'elemento style style.textContent = `.ark-item-outofstock { background-color: #f6f6f6b5; }`; // Aggiungi l'elemento style all'head del documento document.head.appendChild(style); } else if (!configArkoSearch) { console.error('Smartypilot configuration not found.'); } else { console.log('Smartypilot plan is not active!'); } }); function loadCSS(url) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = url; document.head.appendChild(link); } function loadFont() { var preconnect1 = document.createElement('link'); preconnect1.rel = 'preconnect'; preconnect1.href = ''; document.head.appendChild(preconnect1); var preconnect2 = document.createElement('link'); preconnect2.rel = 'preconnect'; preconnect2.href = ''; preconnect2.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; document.head.appendChild(preconnect2); var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = ',wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&display=swap'; document.head.appendChild(link); } function createSmartyPilotHtmlBox(item, currentPage, configArkoSearch, showLabelSalePrice, formattedPriceNoReductions, formattedPriceWithReductions) { return `